Aaron Zapata

Leadership Series | R = Ready

A leader is always ready and prepared.

Do you notice that I didn’t say equipped? Instead, I said leaders are ready. They are ready to learn, ready to take action, ready to start or stop as needed.

Although I’ve never been in the military, I admire them for the work they do and for the fact that they are always “at the ready” which means that their guns are prepared and available for immediate use if needed.

Leaders have to be ready to handle unforeseen circumstances. If you lead a company in an industry that runs in cycles (like real estate), you know that the market always corrects itself from time to time. If your industry is seasonal (think fruit farmers), you know there is a harvest time. As a leader you need to be ready to handle the cycles.

Readiness also pertains to your mental health. Are you prepared and ready to handle the stress, strains, and demands that being a leader puts on you?

I have put into place times throughout my day when I pause, pray, and take mental note of how I am doing. I don’t forge ahead anymore without regard to my well-being. I’m getting too old for that and have learned from experience that I don’t need to be hard-charging 100% of the time.

Are you ready financially? Leaders bear the responsibility of the financial health of their organizations and families. If you don’t understand finances then take a class or hire someone to teach you. You need to know how finances work so that you can keep an eye on the bottom line. And when you understand finances, you can spot trends as they emerge so you are ready to take action.

Finally, are you ready to say yes to the right opportunities and no to the wrong ones. You make decisions everyday. When you are financially, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally ready you are able to say “yes” and “no” when appropriate!

If you find yourself saying, “I’m just not ready.” You need to ask yourself why. Do some soul searching and find the answers so that you can get ready.

Leaders are ready.

If you are in need of help to get you ready, let’s talk today. I can help coach you.

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