Aaron Zapata

It’s Obvious Where You Spend Your Time

You may be trying to hide it because you don’t want anyone to know but it’s obvious to others even if you try to hide it. Everyone can tell where you spend your time and who you spend it with.

I was golfing with a group of friends and each of them is in great shape. Why? Well, it was obvious that they spend more time at the gym than me. As the round progressed, I learned they belong to a CrossFit nearby as they were comparing notes throughout the day about how fast they completed workouts. I sounded like a foreign language to me, but they understood it.

During this round of golf there were things about the others that were very obvious. They were similar in age, stage of life, health and shape, and spoke the same secret language. One previously picked up a piece of golf equipment because the other two had it. They were similar to each other.

It’s obvious to others where you spend your time and who you spend time with.

Jim Rohn is famous for his quote, “You’re the average of the five people spend the most time with.” I don’t know the science behind that quote, but I do know that you are going to look, talk, and become like those you spend the most time with.

One article I read an article that points out that obesity is related to the people you spend the most time with.


It has always been this way and there is even a warning in the Bible that says bad company corrupts good character (1 Corinthians 15:33). If you want to improve your character, hang out with others that want the same.

The Disciples of Jesus had a noticeable difference in their lives. It says in Acts 4 that the people around them began to recognize them as having been with Jesus. Their lives were markedly different because of the time spent with each other and with Jesus.

How about you? What is obvious to others?

How are you spending your time? Who are you hanging out with? How’s your health and outlook on life?

If you want to grow personally and professionally you need to be with people who are striving for the same thing. It’s simple in concept, yet hard in practice because the people closest to you will draw you back in like gravity if you try to leave their sphere of influence. But it’s necessary for you to push through to make the changes you desire.


LORD, I desire to be more like you and less like the world. Help me to spend time with you daily so that you can influence who I am becoming and what I am doing here on Earth. Help direct me to others that want the same things; that strive for holiness, excellence, and who want to be a blessing to others. Amen.


Photo by Natalie Pedigo on Unsplash

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