Aaron Zapata

Real Estate Coaching – 5 Things Realtors Should Do in 2023

Real Estate Coaching - 5 Things Realtors Should Do in 2023 - Aaron Zapata

Real Estate Coaching – 5 Things Realtors Should Do in 2023

The real estate market has shifted and we now have fewer homes for sale which means that we have fewer sales. So how do Top Agents Survive and Thrive in times like these?

They focus on activities they can control.

Here are 5 Activities Real Estate agents have control over.

  1. Prospecting – Talking with others about real estate is essential for your success. Pick up the phone and dial and have live conversations.
  2. Post Daily – We all know that Social Media has shaped our world and Top Agents post daily. Where you post is up to you, but daily postings increase engagement which helps with Item #1 above. Insider tip: Say less, post more.
  3. Follow Up – Remember that person you talked to a few weeks ago that said they wanted to buy or sell something? Have you followed up? Insider tip: If a seller says they want to sell in 6 months, start following up in 2 months.
  4. Participate in a Networking Group – Join BNI, the Chamber of Commerce, or start your own. Make sure the group is focused on sending and receiving referrals, not just a group that socializes. Insider tip: Join a group where you are either the only Realtor or one of just a few.
  5. Practice Gratitude – In a time when things are tough, it’s more important than ever to practice gratitude for the many blessings you have. Don’t focus on the things that you don’t have, but focus on the things you do. Insider tip – If you write them down daily, you will be amazed at how many good things you have going for you.

If you do these things everyday, you will make progress this year and your real estate business will advance.

A sixth thing to add to this list is to either hire a coach for real estate coaching or to join an office environment that will help you grow your real estate career.

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