Aaron Zapata

You Need To Get Away

I’m sitting on the back deck of my cabin at Forest Home in Forest Falls, CA. We are here for a week to spend time with family, make new friends, and most importantly, reconnect with God. 

We are all so busy and we don’t take time to really get away and decompress from all the stress and the pressures we are under.

It’s time to get away.

At this moment, the sun is rising over the mountain ridge and I can begin to feel the heat on the my face and body. It’s a cool morning. The creek below is bubbling beyond the trees. I can’t see it, but I hear it. A cool breeze blows across the back of my legs, and the woodpeckers are chirping off to my right are most certainly defending their territory. I hear a few voices down by the creek as others enjoy their morning. 

It’s peaceful. It’s calm. It’s the right place for me to be. 

I fight this in my busyness. Why? I have too many appointments to keep, too many clients to please, and not enough time to get everything done. Or so I tell myself as I resist a week away.

Why do I do that? I know I need times like this. Perhaps I don’t know what I will find and the fast-paced life hides the demons in the closet I don’t want to face.

Perhaps I’m just overcommitted and I like it that way. I kind of, sort of thrive in the chaos and this is definetely not chaos. It’s slow paced. It’s planned. It’s down time.

Whatever the reason, I know I can’t resist time away because I need time away to think, meditate on God’s word, and to pray. Great progress can be made in slowing down. It happens every time I get away. Especially when I get away with my family for the purpose of drawing closer to my Heavenly Father.


Lord, use this time to direct me. I give my fears to you Lord. I give my heart to you. Speak to me this week and rejuvenate my soul. Amen. 


Photo by Bailey Zindel on Unsplash

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