Aaron Zapata

How Do I Define What My Best Is? What Does It Mean To Be The Best?

Aaron Zapata talks about what is means to be the best anyhow you can become the best in your industry

In my previous blog post, I stated at the very end of the post, “Let’s make 2023 our best year ever!”

How do I define my best? What is the “best”?

2022 ended on a sour note when it comes to the real estate market. We missed all our projections from gross sales and profits. We had to lay off staff and cut back on expenses. It just wasn’t fun. The overall market tanked and nose dived like a Red Bull diver off the cliffs at the ocean and we had a first person look behind the scenes.

Knowing that we missed our financial goals, it makes me realize that we can’t simply define “best” in terms of our overall sales volume.

Here are some ways that we are defining “best”.

Team Work

Our team has grown closer together as we make tough decisions about what needs to be changed for 2023. We have renewed our commitment to support one another and to help each other.

It’s no fun to work in an industry where the bad news is splashed on every news site so we have to work extra hard to encourage each other to continue to work hard despite the negative news.

We choose to be the best at having an office environment where we support, love, and encourage each other.

Marketing Messaging Clarity

We have revised our messaging to get very specific about who our target audience is and have revised our advertising and our calls to action in order to attract the clients we are looking for. This allows us to cut our advertising spending and increase our conversion rate.

We choose to be the best at conversion.

Raving Reviews

In hard times great reviews are hard to come by. When we get a good review it means that we have gone above and beyond in our work to deliver successfully consistent results for our clients.

Anyone can do a great job when the job is easy (aka the real estate market in 2021), but those that do a great job in a shifting and falling real estate market choose to make the best of what they are given.

We choose to be the best at delivering great customer service to our clients.

Closing Ratios

Every company has a sales cycle from lead generation to closed sales. Do you know your company’s closing ratios?

We want to successfully help each of our property owners successfully sell their homes, condos, and commercial properties.

We choose to be the best at listing and selling homes.

Personal Victories

Each person within our organizations will have personal victories to celebrate and we will choose to celebrate those achievements with them when they happen.

One of our agents at IMPACT Properties joined us in 2022 and had his first sale as a rookie agent on 12/30/2022. It was his goal to close on his first sale before the end of the year and it happened! We get to celebrate with him this week!

Other agents will earn designations, completed degrees, get married, have children, and do other great things that are not sales related. When those things happen, we will celebrate with them.

We choose to be the best at celebrating wins with our team!

So how will you define your best?

Think about that today and write down a list of things that you can be the “best” at in 2023. This will help you redefine your story of personal victories.

I look forward to making 2023 my personal best year ever using my new set of definitions.



Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

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