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It Takes A Team, Stop Doing It On Your Own

You cannot do it alone. No, you can’t. No matter how much you try, you cannot achieve the highest level of success without the help and coordination of others.

So please stop trying to do it all on your own. You need help.

On a recent Mission Trip with my son’s High School to Bishop, CA, we had the monumental task of erecting two large circus style tents that were to be used as our sleeping quarters. Each tent took no less than 30 people working in coordination with each other to get it up safely and securely. Everyone had their parts to play and we successfully put up two tents in just a few minutes.

When we bring others into the planning and execution processes we can do more than we can do it alone.

All throughout history, the greatest achievements have been completed by large groups of people working together. When we work together, we are capable of doing so much more.

Here are some tips for bringing others together:

  • Have an abundance mentality. When you believe there is more than enough for everyone, you will be able to take the next steps.
  • Share your ideas with people. Doing so will allow others to hear you and join you if they are passionate about the same thing.
  • Invite others to participate with you that can help you in your progress.
  • Have a common understanding of how each participant benefits from the project along with what each one is contributing.
  • Monitor your progress.
  • Enjoy the process!
  • Celebrate your accomplishments and milestones with the team.

As I wrote this, I watched the launch of Crew 5 heading into space. What an accomplishment! It could never have been achieved without the help of thousands of people.

Truly, we are better today.



Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

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