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Consistency is Key

It doesn’t matter how you feel. You need to do it.

It doesn’t matter how you look. You need to do it.

It doesn’t matter how you sound. You need to do it.

It really doesn’t matter what...

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No Task is Beneath You

Listen to the description we are given about Jesus in His final hours.

“Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come forth from God and was going back to God,” John‬ ‭13:3‬

He’s at ...

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Your Enemies Demand Your Silence

The greatest tactic your enemies have against you is to keep you silent.

It has always been this way.

If your enemy can silence your voice and your cry they can continue on in their dominance and destruction of all things you hold dear.

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To What Shall We Die?

Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone;”

He is referring to Himself and the mission that God gave Him to fulfill. Jesus knew that He would have to let Himself be k...

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I Am A Doer

People ask me how I get so many things accomplished. I don’t have a special formula, I simply do what needs to be done.

That has been a motto in the Zapata Home since our boys were young. We live by the motto, “We do what needs to be don...

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Simple Man With Simple Plans

Nothing flashy.
Nothing spectacular.
Nothing to make headlines.

Sorry, that’s not what you are looking for?

Simple hard work. Simple strategies with successful results. Time-proven strategies to systematize, organize, and drive growth...

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I Almost Ran Out of Gas

It was a beautiful day as my son and I drove West across the Colorado Rockies into Utah. When we left we had a full tank of gas and the sun at our backs. I had done the math. The gauges showed we’d have 50 miles left in the tank when we got t...

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Dyslexic and Grateful

Most people don’t know that I am dyslexic.

For most of my life I have looked at my dyslexia as a learning disability, because after all, that’s what it’s considered. Right? Wrong.

I read the book, David and Goliath by Malcom Gladwe...

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Why Are People Leaving California?

Eight of the last 13 sellers we’ve worked with have sold their homes and moved out of state. That’s 61% of our listing!

Because we personally are working with these families, we’d like to share what we’ve learned.

Who is leaving?

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